🐍 Supporting the Python Ecosystem

TLDR; If you use Python, please consider supporting the Python Ecosystem by donating to the Python Software Foundation. Click Here to visit PSF Donation Page Donation for the PSF From their website, this is what the funds are used for: [Read More]

πŸ“™ CIFAR-10 Classifiers: Part 5 - Speed up TensorFlow hyperparameter search using Ray Tune

CIFAR10 Classification: TensorFlow + Ray Tune Edition In this notebook, we turn to hyperparameter tuning using Ray Tune. Our objective is to find better hyperparams and network architecture. Although we will not spend too much time on network architecture, you probably will get enough information to try on your own. [Read More]

πŸ“™ CIFAR-10 Classifiers: Part 4 - Build a Simple Image Classifier using PyTorch Lightning

This notebook is part of CIFAR-10 Classifiers post, which covers building classifiers using TensorFlow, PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning etc. Part 1: Tensorflow | Part 3: PyTorch CIFAR 10 Classifier: Pytorch Lightning Edition We use Pytorch Lightning in this notebook, it abstracts away all the boiler plate code that we need to add to every pytorch training workflow. [Read More]

πŸ“™ CIFAR-10 Classifiers: Part 2 - Use Keras Tuner to speed up the hyperparameter search

Part 1: Tensorflow This notebook is part of CIFAR-10 Classifiers post. In that post, I cover building classifiers using Deep Learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning and making use of several hyperparameter optimization libraries. [Read More]