Hello World

Hello World - My first post on KB (Code Kode Bytes)

I write long-form content on my primary website https://www.katnoria.com.

It usually starts as a small project and ends with an interactive, well mostly, project report along with the source code. This process can run anywhere between 2~4 months, depending upon the sustained interest and the time and energy available after work ðŸĪŠ.

The Name - Kode Bytes

Going a bit philosophical (at the expense of sounding absurd), I am thinking, the content that I want to post here is akin to the bytecode or some kind of intermediate representation. Which then gets read (and/or run) by the readers from different background, expertise and experience, akin to the LLVM backend.

I hope you find the content useful and sometimes entertaining.

graph TD; A["ðŸ‘ĻðŸ―â€ðŸ’ŧ"]-->B["katnoria.com (Gatsby)"]; B-->AB1[Deep Learning Projects]; AB1-->B11["Report"]; B11-->B111["Interactive Visualization"]; AB1-->B12[GitHub Repository]; AB1-->B13[Demo]; B-->AC1[Notebooks]; A-->C["kb.katnoria.com (Hugo)"]; C-->D[Short Posts]; D-->F[Artificial Intelligence]; D-->E[Software Dev]; D-->G[Data Viz]; C-->H[Notebooks]; C-->I[3D Printing]; C-->J[Miscellaneous]; J-->J1["Arduino"]; J-->J2[Infra]; J-->J3["Raspberry Pi"]; J-->J4["Gadgets"]; J-->J5["Random"];